Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Me And My Blogging Life

So, not like anybody cares...but I'm going to talk a little bit about my blogging life. First of all, if you guys aren't familiar with it, you definitely want to check out  my blog, The Christian Paparazzi." I'm going to leave the link. The Christian Paparazzi is a blog all about one of my very favorite things....Music!! I haven't been posting to it lately but I'm going to start again soon. Anyways, I'm going to talk a little bit about....me. I know, totally selfish. But, I just wanted you guys to get as little bit of a feel of what I do, how I write and who I'm inspired by. Take you inside my life. First of all, I homeschool...which is probably the best privilege a person could ever have in life. Secondly, I'm the oldest of five children in my house. Things can get kind of crazy but, it's all good. We each have different interests, mine being music. And we have a lot of fun. I think I've been singing since...I was probably three. I remember being thee years old and I was trying to untangle some computer cords and I couldn't do it so, I started to sing the first song I ever made up on my own! I said, "How do I do it? How do I do it? How do I do it? It must be tangled up." That was the first song I ever 'wrote.' You could probably say I grew up feeding on good music. My dad is a very talented singer and rapper and when I was little, we'd listen to a lot of Christian rap music and worship music. When I was about twelve, I discovered there was more out there than rap music and started to listen to...just about every Christian artist out there. During that time, TobyMac caught my eye as extremely unique and original.  I started to listen to him and Dc Talk. I'm a very impressionable person so I pretty much tried to dress like, talk like and think like TobyMac....Yeah, awkward. Anyway, he actually taught me a lot about being original, reaching for the stars, loving others well and opened doors for me to look into other artists. I was also highly impacted by Brant Hansen from Air1 Radio who would always put a smile on my face when I'd be in depression. Through TobyMac, I found out about Jamie Grace. She gave me more hope. Her interviews showed me that there was hope for anybody out there who wanted to be an artist. Then, after the TobyMac phase, I really got into the Newsboys, who taught me to change the world with everything I do by representing Christ Jesus. Then, I got into One Direction a little bit. The fact that those boys went through all the things that they went thorough and still came out strong...it's amazing, and inspiring. Once again, shows that anybody can make it if they really try and  give it their everything...which is actually why I love watching shows like the X Factor and The Voice. I LOVE seeing stars made before my eyes and sometimes I like to imagine myself entering a contest like that too.  Finally, Anthem Lights was the new band I loved. They're very different. First of all, they literally have some of the best voices ever (Next to Royal Tailor). They are such a great sounding band. But that's not really why I love them. First of all, yes, they do secular covers but they're a Christian band. They do some of the best covers ever. But their Christian records are what really touched me. And their story. The message they promote is just so good. .They're mostly focused on ministering to teenage girls...and I thank God everyday that He put Anthem Lights in my life because they broke me out of my insecurity through their wise, biblical oriented words. They helped me find confidence and learn how to put God first. To trust Him and put my agenda aside. To be kind and love people. To make Jesus everything and not to put my focus on other things. Making Him the center of my life. And that's where I'm at right now. Just a highschool kid trying to grow closer to God and see what He has for me and how I can serve people through Him. It's been a lot more satisfactory than  trying to chase my own agenda, that's for sure! I really love what I do. Even though my life is full of chores and school, I still make time to blog. My singing has gotten a lot better over the years and I can't wait to see what God's going to do with that because I know I still need a lot of improvement. I'm really into R&B and rap and pop so...we'll see, I guess. I had the opportunity to serve in my church as a greeter and I'm inspired daily by the people around me. I have so many inspiring friends, it's insane. I'm so thankful for every one of them. I'm just blessed to be living this life right now. :) Anyway, yeah. Thank you guys for listening to me ramble! I love you! ~KJ
Also - here's the link to my other blog: http://thechristianpaparazzi.blogspot.com/

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