Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just Do It!

There's always that list of things everybody wants to accomplish...but maybe it all seems to be too much. It's just too difficult to accomplish. It's just barely out of your grasp. So close yet, so far. Or maybe you just keep pushing it off another day (you'll get to it eventually, right?). Well, I've used the tell-tale title to give you a picture of my mindset before I even dig into it. If I wanted to summarize everything I'm about to say in three words, "Just Do It" would be those words. Those words need to be your initial thought going into whatever ambition you've chosen. It could be something as simple as "I'm going to save up for a laptop" all the way up to "I'm going to become a famous author." Guess what?? Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Let me use a pretty common example. Let's say you want to live a healthier lifestyle. Well, stop making excuses and procrastinating! Procrastination is the number one thing that keeps dreams form coming into reality. You say you'll do it later and it never happens. If you do the same thing everyday, you're going to get the SAME results. So, if you want to live a healthier lifestyle, skip a thirty minute tv show...or thirty minutes on netflix. Go out side and run instead! Trust me, it won't kill you. In fact, it'll do the exact opposite. Make healthier eating decisions. It's not hard to say no to that extra cookie. You want to become an author? Well, write! Immerse yourself in good writing technique! Just Do It!
You want to become a world famous singer? Practice! Grasp every opportunity you get to share your talent! Just Do It!
You want to be a scholar? Study! Do good in school. Learn as much as you can! Just Do It!
You want to change the world? Start with you and change it!  After all, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So don't make excuses, forget your past failures, take a step forward and Just Do It! ~KJ

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