Tuesday, December 30, 2014

To add to your resolution

Hey, everybody! I hope you're having a lovely holiday! And I hope your Christmas was as amazing as you are. =) Well, I don't have too much for this post. I was just thinking, I know at least most of  you all have your resolutions all planned out for the new year. Of course, most people don't  even follow theirs, which probably isn't good. Personally, I don't usually have a resolution. But, this year I'm changing it up a little bit. I'm not coming up with some impossible list of goals and wants that will probably never happen. A lot of people (myself included) make that mistake. They try and force things on themselves, when really, sometimes, God isn't ready for you to do that yet. Whatever it may be. Of course, we should take action. And if God is truly putting something on your heart, obviously, we are to embrace it. But, bottom line, don't promise to do a million things that realistically won't even happen. Maybe a couple things. Three or four might be reasonable. But just remember that it's not really in your control. And also, I just wanted you to go into your New Year with a new goal. I want you to be confident. Let me rephrase that. God wants you to be confident. To treat yourself with respect. That respect you're looking for other people to give you? Yeah, that's how God wants you to treat yourself. I want you to love what you love because you love it. Not just because it's a trend. I want you to proclaim things over yourself:
                                   I Am Courageous
                                   I Am Determined
                       I Am Unstoppable
                       I Am Victorious
                       I Am Loved
                       I Am Gifted
                       I Am Anointed
                       I Am Blessed
                       I Am Successful
                       I Am Healed
                       I Am Beautiful
                       I Am Whole
                       I Am CONFIDENT
                       I Am Forgiving
                       I Am Grateful
                       I Am Generous
                       I Am Strengthened
                       I Am Kind
                       I Am Joyful
                       I Am Patient
                       I am Peaceful
                       I Am Favored
                                I Am God's Masterpiece and I am a New And Born Again Creation!!!!
Anyway, you guys have a fabulous new years and I pray that you all stay confident throughout the year of 2015. Love and peace!!! ~KJ

Monday, December 22, 2014

Reason For The Season

Hey guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't made a new post. You know, 'Tis the season. Well, this has literally been one of the busiest holidays I've seen in awhile for me and my family. And it's all a good kind of busy. All the shopping and gift wrapping and cookie eating and family visiting....It's all been great. But, at the same time, I can't help but reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. And NO. It's not family. Even though family is great, that's NOT the true meaning of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I know people tend to be really busy around this time of year, but people also forget to count their blessings and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. The night that Jesus was born, there weren't any candy canes, pine trees, Christmas TV shows...or even extended family. There was just animals. A stable. His parents...and a few shepherds. The Son of God was born in the simplest way, He lived in the most humble way and was eventually crucified in the most humiliating way. And I"m sure most of America isn't even thinking of the gift given to us on Christmas. In fact, I'm pretty sure we're more concerned about that shiny gift under the tree with our name on it. Not only do we take the true purpose out of Christmas, but we shift the focus onto material things. Like gifts and family gatherings. Now, there's nothing wrong with that. But please, remember the true  gift. Don't get caught up in all the 'wants' of the season. Have fun with your family and make sure your keeping tradition second on your list and Jesus first, where He belongs. =) Oh yeah, and read Luke Chapter 2... aaand you should also watch this really neat video:
Thanks guys! Have a merry CHRISTmas and as always: Keep your head and standards high. Your smile and your dreams big. And Jesus Christ above all. You'll go far that way. ~KJ

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A confession to make about 5 Seconds of Summer

I have a confession to make. But before I even get started, I would like to make it clear that some of you will probably get offended my this post. And I also want to make clear that I'm not trying to offend  5 Seconds of Summer and their fans or any other band that falls into this category. But I feel it is my responsibility to put my opinion out there even though  people are probably going to get mad. You're welcome to stop reading at any point. Anyway, I just want to say how much I hate the way some Christians act these days! :( So many people like to get a taste of the world and they're programmed to think it's okay!!! Yes. Multiple times this week I've either been directly or indirectly judged for disliking the band 5 seconds of summer. It's true that I don't like 5 Seconds Of Summer. And I have a good reason why too. They are inappropriate lyrically and as a Christian, I do not feel like they're  the kind of thing I want to be filling my head with. I know there are probably a lot of you guys who are fans of this new band. But guess what? I don't think that's okay. It's one thing to loo up to a band and appreciate their talent or their accomplishments and be a fan in that way. It's entirely another to allow their agenda to become "okay." As a Christian, I think that's messed up. If the song is inappropriate, SKIP IT!!! Don't just listen to it because it sounds good. You know what's right. You have the holy spirit to help you discern that. Don't act like it's okay. Don't act like just because you're a Christian, the lyrics won't affect you because they WILL! I do not promote listening to bad lyrics. I'm not putting any artists as a whole down because most artists will usually have that one song that is acceptable. But my point is, use common sense with what you listen to! Just because you like a band doesn't mean you have to listen to all their songs. No. I do NOT think it's acceptable to go, "Oh, it's just one song. I mean...the other songs are okay so one dirty song won't kill me. I mean, it sounds so good and everyone is listening to it and they seem fine." Guess what? You aren't everybody and you have no idea  how something is affecting another person. Music is a funny thing. It makes you feel things you've never felt before. It changes your emotions. It even makes you view the world differently. That's why what you choose to listen to is huge. It can make you a whole new person. Now, a lot of you guys know I'm a huge fangirl. Well, one of the stupidest things in a fandom is when a person says "you have to do this" or "you have to do that" to become a fan. Well, you know what? I'll decided that. I'll decide how I choose to fan over a band because it's not a big deal. The bands you like should NOT become your gods. And a lot of people don't agree with me. They'll say "You don't understand." But I actually do. Ask any of my friends. They'll tell you I've had my fair share of crazy fangirl moments. But when it becomes your 'religion' or when you elevate it over Christ Jesus, that's when it gets stupid. But just as bad as idolizing is when you excuse bad lyrics! So many people do it. They'll listen to bad lyrics. It's starts with a little bit and then it gets worse and worse and worse until you're listening to all the stuff the bible is against. And I don't know about you but I refuse to accept that. I will not compromise my faith for some stupid band. I will like bands...but I will like them to the extent I choose to like them and not the way somebody else tells me to. Because I don't pick my bands based on what everyone else likes and I just because I like a band doesn't mean that I'm going to listen to all the songs. I might only listen to THREE songs and already like the band because one reason or another. If it is a mainstream band, I pick and choose how far I'll go. And people don't think I'm fan enough. I don't care. I don't follow other people. I follow Jesus. Therefore, I will choose my interests based upon what I think He would be okay with. I do not excuse inappropriate lyrics. That's it. People can just not like me for staying true to my faith. Whatever. But I still stand firm in my opinions. So with my head high I will say this: "I do not like the lyrics of 5 seconds of summer. I find nothing uplifting in the band 5 seconds of summer. I am sure they are nice people. But 'nice' is not what I look for in a band. If you are a 5sos fan, please stop excusing their bad lyrics! They're not funny if they're suggestive. .I know they write their own songs and play their own instruments but look at their messages! Just admit it. They aren't good lyrics so please stop listening to their bad songs! I love you and care about you!!!"  And that is my confession about 5Sos~KJ