Tuesday, December 30, 2014

To add to your resolution

Hey, everybody! I hope you're having a lovely holiday! And I hope your Christmas was as amazing as you are. =) Well, I don't have too much for this post. I was just thinking, I know at least most of  you all have your resolutions all planned out for the new year. Of course, most people don't  even follow theirs, which probably isn't good. Personally, I don't usually have a resolution. But, this year I'm changing it up a little bit. I'm not coming up with some impossible list of goals and wants that will probably never happen. A lot of people (myself included) make that mistake. They try and force things on themselves, when really, sometimes, God isn't ready for you to do that yet. Whatever it may be. Of course, we should take action. And if God is truly putting something on your heart, obviously, we are to embrace it. But, bottom line, don't promise to do a million things that realistically won't even happen. Maybe a couple things. Three or four might be reasonable. But just remember that it's not really in your control. And also, I just wanted you to go into your New Year with a new goal. I want you to be confident. Let me rephrase that. God wants you to be confident. To treat yourself with respect. That respect you're looking for other people to give you? Yeah, that's how God wants you to treat yourself. I want you to love what you love because you love it. Not just because it's a trend. I want you to proclaim things over yourself:
                                   I Am Courageous
                                   I Am Determined
                       I Am Unstoppable
                       I Am Victorious
                       I Am Loved
                       I Am Gifted
                       I Am Anointed
                       I Am Blessed
                       I Am Successful
                       I Am Healed
                       I Am Beautiful
                       I Am Whole
                       I Am CONFIDENT
                       I Am Forgiving
                       I Am Grateful
                       I Am Generous
                       I Am Strengthened
                       I Am Kind
                       I Am Joyful
                       I Am Patient
                       I am Peaceful
                       I Am Favored
                                I Am God's Masterpiece and I am a New And Born Again Creation!!!!
Anyway, you guys have a fabulous new years and I pray that you all stay confident throughout the year of 2015. Love and peace!!! ~KJ

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