Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Enjoying the roller coaster which is life

Well, I'm going to use a roller coaster as my analogy. I was scrolling pinterest, found it and was all like, "Mmm, Imma use this!" So...I guess I'm using it! Lol.  Maybe you've heard the quote before, "Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster which is life" But regardless, I'm going to use the quote solely for the purpose of painting a picture for you. So, when you first get on that roller coaster, that's pretty much when you're born again. When you first accept Jesus into your heart. That's when the ride begins. The ride of life as a Christian. As the ride continues, that represents your life. There are ups and downs on the roller coaster. Good times and bad times in your life. That seat belt that keeps you safe is kind of like God. He's always there. Always holding you. It's just that sometimes, even though you're safe, you kind of freak out when it's not necessary. You have a choice to enjoy your life. Enjoy that roller coaster. Or, to freak out for no apparent reason. He's right there. He won't let you fall. And weather you choose to embrace the ups and downs or not, the same thing is going to happen at the end. You're going to reach the end of the ride just fine. It's just your choice how you react during the journey. Personally, I'd choose to embrace it. With God holding you all the way, why not?? :) Well, lately I've been sort of enjoying that roller coaster as things sort of change for me and whatnot. So, I want to deeply apologize about not blogging lately but I love you guys so much and I'm hoping to have several more posts out before the end of the year! :D ~KJ